Sve ljubitelje glazbe oduševit će još jedan u nizu koncerata na Kninskoj tvrđavi u sklopu Tignino Castro Music Experiencea. Popularni Đani Stipaničev uz klavirsku pratnju profesora Vladimira Babina zapjevat će u petak, 10. svibnja. Koncert počinje u 20 sati, a dobra vijest je da je povodom Noći tvrđava, u kojoj i mi sudjelujemo, ulaz besplatan!
Važno je naglasiti da, s obzirom da je riječ o intimnim koncertima i broj posjetitelja ograničen je na 150, sve koji žele prisustvovati koncertu molimo da se jave putem poruke na našu Facebook stranicu kako bi napravili popis imena za ulazak na koncert. Pozivamo vas da uživate u jedinstvenoj atmosferi Kninske tvrđave u ovom prekrasnom koncertu!
All music lovers will be delighted by another in a series of concerts at the Knin Fortress as part of the Tignino Castro Music Experience. The popular Đani Stipaničev will sing on Friday, May 10, accompanied by professor Vladimir Babin on the piano. The concert starts at 8 p.m., and the good news is that on the occasion of the Night of the Fortress, in which we also participate, the entrance is free!
It is important to emphasize that, considering that these are intimate concerts and the number of visitors is limited to 150, we ask that all those who wish to attend the concert contact us via message on our Facebook page to make a list of names to enter the concert. We invite you to enjoy the unique atmosphere of the Knin Fortress in this wonderful concert!