Tourist evaluation of the Fortress as a cultural- historical unit
(Draft-preliminary solution, Milan Zoričić, B.Sc.)
Tourist evaluation of the Fortress as a cultural-historical unit will unfold in two phases:
1.) Evaluation of the Fortress complex made of:
- programme of restoration and renovation of Kaštel-Knin (northern part of the Fortress) depicting the time of king Dmitar Zvonimir
- programme of renovation of open areas to protect the complex through new ways of use and service (terraces, rest area, belvederes and the like)
- renovation of the central square, new stage, souvenir shop, new content for promotion and selling of indigenous products and services (crafts) from the greater Knin area,
- renovation of Loredan’s door, accompanying parking area and archaeological park Podgrađe,
- building a new lighting system on the Fortress,
- the program of renovation of Bandjera through the protection of the complex and renovation of the space with the monument of Franjo Tuđman, PhD, the first president of the Republic of Croatia for purposes of modern use,
- repair and restoration of dilapidated buildings on the Fortress and their use for new purposes,
- constructional repair of walls and outer walls of the Knin Fortress.
(Iz elaborata, Vinko Peračić d.i.a. Novi muzeološki postav Kninskog muzeja)
2.) Expansion of the activities of the Knin Museum:
- new museum and gallery display on the Belveder station,
- arrangement of the memorial room of general Ante Gotovina,
- rearrangement of the memorial rooms of the academician Hrvoje Požar and humanist Nikica Slavić on the occasion of 100th anniversary of birth of academician Požar
- arrangement and display of memorial rooms for notable persons from Knin (Krvavica, Ikica, Živković, Paić, Jelovina).